PADI Rescue | Seven Heaven HotelSeven Heaven Hotel PADI Rescue | Seven Heaven HotelSeven Heaven Hotel

PADI Rescue

$ 300 | Duration: 3-5 days

Prerequisites: To hold the PADI Advanced Open Water certification, or equivalent and hold a first-aid qualification (see Medic First Aid for details)
Certification: PADI Rescue Diver


Course Overview


By doing this course you are moving from being a purely recreational diver to a more professional level and thus will viewed with high degree of respect by the diving community. You are also well on your way to Dive-Master!


During the course your instructor will introduce you to wide range of emergency situation and teach you how to cope should they arise. Using other divers as “victims” you will act out a variety of scenarios, culminating in a full rescue situation. You will need to show excellent diving skills and be able to deal with the stress of “saving” a diver in trouble.


This one of the most rewarding courses you can complete as a diver and will increase your confidence and indicate your commitment to safe diving practices.

For reservations or more information contact

Please ensure that you meet the medical prerequisites for diving with 7Heaven Divers.



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